In an effort to provide affordable flexible education system relevant to individuals as well as to the needs of the society as a whole, Government of India has launched the National Skills Qualification Framework(NSQF). In view of this, University Grants Commission has implemented the scheme of B.Voc. degree programme to expand the scope of vocational education and also to provide vertical mobility to the students.

S.P. Mandali’s Ramnarain Ruia College has been conducting three B.Voc. programmes namely, B.Voc. in Green House Management, B.Voc in Pharma Analytical Sciences, and B.Voc in Tourism and Travel Management.

The minimum eligibility for these courses is H.S.C. and the programme has multiple exit points. There is no age bar for taking these courses which will provide life-long learning opportunities for all those who desire to take advantage of these programmes.

The programmes are being conducted in collaboration with several industry partners who would be actively involved in identifying relevant training programmes, designing curriculum and imparting training to trainers and students. The courses will be conducted in modular structure with higher emphasis on hands on training and internship / apprenticeship in relevant industries. The industry partners along with the respective Sector Skill Councils recognized by National Skill Development Council (NSDC) will be involved in the management, certification and evaluation of the training programme. The main emphasis would be to develop employable skills amongst the students with guaranteed placement in the Industry and selfemployment as entrepreneurs.