

All trials are reviewed and approved by an Institutional Ethics Committee which ensures that the study is carried out as per scientific and ethical norms. The Institutional Ethics Committee consists of clini¬cal pharmacologists, consulting physicians, social workers, educationists, legal experts and individuals of known standing. The committee ensures the general well-being of volunteers during the con¬duct of a study.


All activity at the TDML is condi¬tioned by the belief that 'Quality is the key to success.' Stringent oper¬ating procedures, coupled* with the integration of multiple-stage qual¬ity-control measures, ensure data accuracy and integrity. Our clients know very well that the data they receive from the laboratory will be absolutely accurate and reliable. Our insistence on quality is matched by our paramount concern for the safety of our volunteers. All our trials are conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration under the supervision of known medical practitioners and measure up to the most exacting standards.


Iatris (Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Laboratory ) is totally dedicated to the task of providing quality testing services that can facilitate accurate assess¬ments of raw materials, drug inter-mediates and pharmaceutical for¬mulations; it has a sophisticated infrastructure to ensure that the bio avail ability/bioequi valence studies it conducts are of the finest order and assure the best in client satisfaction. To ensure unrelenting adherence to considerations of quality in the accomplishment of its aims, the TDML places considerable emphasis on the following factors:

  • Offering instruction to its staff members in the use of the latest techniques in the field of testing.
  • Using sophisticated and advanced facilities and test equipment.
  • Offering quality services by having a laboratory management and staff dedicated to the task of fulfilling the requirements of the laboratory's quality system.
  • Ensuring the effective enforce¬ment of the quality system by con¬ducting periodical quality-system audits and reviews.


Employee-training is an integral part of a laboratory's commitment to quality and to consistency in its performance. A dedicated team of highly qualified professionals formulates and offers perceptive instructioanl programmes that enchance the competence and effciency of the laboratory's personnel